Find a ministry that aligns with your gifts, talents and interests.


Review the complete list of LCC ministries and help support the vision of Liberty Christian Church. 

Recommend joining no more than two (2) areas of ministry. 

  • Appeals

    The Ministry of Appeals is used to enhance the Kingdom of God by Leading people to Christ, Partnering with Liberty Christian Church and receiving Baptism of the Holy Spirit, so that lives may be blessed and enriched by The Word of God thru The Holy Spirit in the Name of Jesus.

    Team Lead: Stephanie Hall

  • Audio

    The Audio Ministry is responsible for setting up, installing, operating, testing and troubleshooting audio and video equipment as needed. Also to produce the best possible atmosphere for worship through sound reinforcement for services and special events.

    Team Lead: Tremia Haythe

  • Baby Dedication

    The Baby Dedication purpose is to celebrate the life of the child(ren) alongside the Parents and the entire Liberty Christian Church. Baby dedications are a way we pray as a church family in agreement with the parents and family to raise the child(ren) together under the guiding of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. 

    Team Lead: Erica Ewell

  • Dance

    The purpose of the dance ministry is to begin to show people that there are different ways to worship and give God praise. This ministry primary focus is to spend time in Gods presence by ministering through dance to ensure He will be glorified and magnified.

    Team Lead: Diamond Plater

  • Decorating

    To assist in the vision of LCC by creating a warm, inviting and welcoming church atmosphere for worship services and special events.  

    Team Lead: Tami David


    The Drama Ministry uses gifts and talents in the form of drama and miming to win souls for God’s kingdom and to help others see the love, blessings, grace, mercy, and instruction of our heavenly Father.

    Team Lead: Nikki Taylor
  • Greeters

    This area of ministry greets all incoming partners, guests, and visitors each Sunday. Its mission is to glorify God by extending a warm welcome to every person entering Liberty Christian Church, with the love of God, to enhance the worship experience and magnify God's name in the process.

    Team Lead: Yulonda Bowman

  • House Care

    House Care Ministry ensures that Liberty Christian Church for which the Lord has given, by keeping it clean and maintained. 

    Team Lead: Marilyn Fantroy

  • Liberty Cares

    Liberty Cares Ministry is used to enhance the Kingdom of God by Loving Gods people. Liberty Cares Ministry purpose of the visits is to pray, comfort and spend quality time with the partners. The Liberty Cares Ministry will provide them with love, encouragement, comfort, inspiration and positive feelings to assist with their healing.

    Team Lead: Pastor James Smith

  • Making Marriage Matter

    The Making Marriage Ministry (MMM) was created to enhance marriages by implementing Godly strategies that will assist in improving communication and intimacy.  We provide pre-martial and post-martial advisory services, organize quarterly marriage events and marriage retreats that are designed to nurture spiritually grounded marriages and increase the biblical understanding of marriage so that God will continue to be glorified through our marriages.  The MMM team is committed to praying and serving all married couples so that together we will continue to develop Godly life skills that will strengthen the institution of marriage. 

    Team Leads: Danny & Tracy Mitchell

  • Marketing

    The Marketing Ministry creates and oversees electronic communications, church publications and advertising for the ministry, including social media, live streaming, flyer development and promotional materials.  Its goal is to safeguard the ministry’s public presence through ensuring quality of print and digital communication and messaging.

    Team Lead: Minister Anita Smith

  • Men's Ministry

    Team Lead: Pastor Mike Battle

  • Partner Retention

    LCCs Retention Team members endeavor to contact every new partner for six months,
    thereby strengthening and establishing their commitment to God who planted them, as He
    pleased, to assist in fulfilling the vision that He gave to Pastor Timothy McLean.

    Team Lead: Minister Beverly Barber

  • Outreach

    The Outreach Ministry assists the pastor and staff in leading the church to develop and implement ongoing programs to reaching souls outside the four walls of the church.  It coordinates and oversees all ministry activities that impact the community, including but not limited to:

    •        Back to School Events
    •        Teacher/School Initiatives
    •        Senior Activities
    Team Lead: Pastor Curtis Binion

  • Partnership Services

    The Partnership Ministry is responsible for managing and contacting first time visitors and LCC new partners. Ensuring that new partners are welcomed with love and provided the vision of Liberty.

    Team Lead: Andrea Brooks

  • Photography

    The photography ministry is responsible for taking pictures for Liberty Christian Church, including but not limited to:  

    1. Baby dedication

    2. New Partners

    3. Special Events

    4. Weekly Services

    Team Lead: Keith Hawkins
  • Praise & Worship

    Praise & Worship commitment to being spiritually prepared to minister - Our spiritual preparation has a direct effect on our effectiveness as a worship and music ministry team. We need to come ready not only to sing and play music but to worship the King and minister to His people.

    Team Lead: Demetrius Simpson

  • Security

    The security ministry serves as ambassadors of Liberty Christian Church.  The team is responsible for:

    • Assisting partners with any issues that may arise.  

    • Ensuring monies are collected during offering and turned in to Finance.  

    • Securing the perimeter of the property

    • Reporting incidents.

    • Assisting with special events.

    Team Lead: Fred Everett

  • Senior Cares

    Team Lead: Ronnie McCray

  • Special Events

    The Special Events Ministry is responsible for ensuring that all approved LCC events are organized and executed in a decent and orderly manner while representing the excellence of LCC as a Ministry and bringing glory to GOD.

    Team Lead: Sherry Burk

  • Ushers

    Ushers ensure that the partners and visitors of Liberty Christion Church experience a rewarding and pleasant time. We do so by:


    Walking in love

    Being knowledgeable and helpful

    Knowing our position

    Communicating with the Team Lead and staff

    Dressing appropriately

    Team Lead: Deacon Chad Palmer

  • Young Adult

    Team Lead: Pastor Victor Holmes

  • Youth

    The goal of the Youth Ministry is to serve our youth ages 3-13. Our objective is to raise a generation of youth who will live their life boldly out loud forGod. We will teach them through the word and by leading by example how to let their belief and behaviors represent God. We want them to learn to reverence God, love His people, learn the importance of serving, faith, and to walk in the purpose God has predestined for their lives.

    Team Lead: Sherron Hester-Bello